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The Lands of Meeriad - Gaming
Grand Theft Auto 3 PC

I got this for PC, just so I can skin it and mod it and such.  But... After a time of playing it, my computer made an odd sound as I pulled it out to remove my key drive from the back.  Now, the GTA3 program does not recognize the game CD.  Any suggestions on how to fix or get around this?

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
7/27/2005 8:15:05 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
RE: Grand Theft Auto 3 PC

Have you gone to My Computer and made sure you can access the CD-ROM drive? If you can't see anything on it, that's why it wouldn't be able to. Smile If you can't access it, make sure the drive's cables are all plugged in.

If you can access it, try reinstalling the game.

That's all I can think of.

On September 21st, 2005...
Sieg Heil

Also, on August 3rd...
"If you were in your office, we'd be having this conversation face-to-face."

Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

7/28/2005 11:21:52 AM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 366
RE: Grand Theft Auto 3 PC

I'm able to open it through the CD drive thing... I can see all the music files and stuff thats supposed to be on it, so thats not it.  I have reinstalled it twice and it still doesn't work.  The program itself cannot detect the CD... Do some companies make CD's that purposefully have little markings on the actual CD the program can detect so it can't be burned or something?  I think I've heard about that before... and if this game is like that then I'm out of luck mehtinks...

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
7/30/2005 2:53:14 AM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
The Lands of Meeriad - Grand Theft Auto 3 PC

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