The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Old Missions
Wrath of Dominion

--The mothership

The Dominion Masters sit on bean bag chairs around a single 52-inch plasma TV, their Xbox 360 running flawlessly. They entertain themselves with some super-awesome game. DM Robert's voice cuts through the three-hour silence, destroying what's left of the other DMs' ear drums. Or not, but it seems that way.

Robert: Remember the Wolf that went missing four years ago?
Clint & Jonathan: Yeah.

Kyle is silent.

Robert: It seems he has named himself "Dur Führer Wolfler" and is attempting a hostile takeover of our own planet.
Clint: That slags. OH MAN HEADSHOT! That was freaking awesome! Look at that ragdoll! That was so cool. Oh, your leg is just... you're hanging in a wall and your leg is swinging. I love when that happens.
Robert: NO U
Clint: Sad
Robert: I think we should stop him.
Clint: Tell the Sungineers to hit him with the ion cannon. I have... sixty kills and five deaths, I can't stop now.

The lights flicker. The Xbox 360's battery backup keeps it running while the power settings are set for the ion cannon. A rumbling is felt as the cannon fixture moves, targeting Wolfler. The lights go out for several seconds as the ion cannon fires. They come back on and flicker for a few more seconds. The intercom crackles.

Sungineer: Uhh, masters, the Xen'hakai attack jarred the ion cannon array, and it wasn't calibrated properly...

He sounds nervous. There's a long pause.

Robert: I'm waiting.
Sungineer: We hit somebody else.

--On the surface - Callice
Newscaster: Earlier today, a massive energy wave tore through the air at a local Coolio concert, vaporizing the once-famous rapper.

--The mothership
Robert: Well, calibrate it and fire again! D:
Sungineer: Yes, master.

The same effects from before are experienced. The intercom again crackles.

Sungineer: Masters, we have a confirmed kill.
Jonathan: Perfect. Send in a clean up crew.
Sungineer: Yes, master.

And thus, order was restored.
The Admin Committee
12/2/2005 8:23:29 PM

Level: 100
Experience: 4062300

Total Posts: 37
The Lands of Meeriad - Wrath of Dominion

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