The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Role Play Forum
Round 3

Green Team - Star 3 - Members: Wolf, Sunny, Blick, Arnold, Ashley
Red Team - Smash Brothers - Members: Ness, Kirby, Popo, Nana, Mario

*Night time*

Referee: It's the final round! Star 3 versus the Smash Brothers! LET'S START!!

*Blick and Sunny take their places in the hills. They're both equipped with Barret Light .50s. Blick watches the east ridge, Sunny the west.*

*Wolf goes to the east ridge. Arnold goes along the west, while Ashley sets up explosives all around.*

Blick: *Pulls out his radio.* Apparently, these guys are GOOD. I mean, they made it to the final round.
Sunny: No kidding.
Blick: Let's keep our eyes peeled well. We might not make it through this one...

Archer Bio-Shell

1/3/2002 5:23:28 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Round 3

Wolf heads down the ridge on the Smash Brothers' side. He doesn't realize he is pretty far into their territory. He climbs a tree and sits with his UMP in his lap. He pulls out his radio.
Wolf: Wolf here. I'm in position.
Paintballs start flying all around him.
Wolf: Uh... cancel that last thing. I gotta move. I think I'm in their territory.
He puts his radio back and jumps out of the tree, UMP drawn. He runs like crazy back towards Star 3's territory. He makes it past the line and sits down in a holly bush.
Wolf: Ow, dang.
He pulls out his radio again.
Wolf: I didn't see anybody, but they were sure shootin' me. Be careful an' watch yer backs.
Blick: Roger that.
Sunny: 10-4.
Arnold: Got it.
Ashley: --ick! Somebody behind you!
(Blick's ridge)
Blick turns around.
Blick: Eh?
He doesn't see anybody.
Blick: Where?
Blick whips out his DE and blasts the tree. Kirby falls out of the tree covered in blue paint.
Blick: Not anymore. Thanks.
Ashley: I would've hit him, but I don't have a sniper rifle and I'm too far away.
Blick: Roger that.
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

1/3/2002 5:36:05 PM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 366
RE: Round 3

A grenade comes flying over one of the hills. It splats near Wolf, but doesn't hit him.

Wolf: They have a 'nader. Be extra careful.
Blick: You think I wasn't? *Looks around.* Seems like they're staying at base.
Ashley: Sunny! Bogie on your six!
Sunny: Roger that. *Turns around and looks around.* Huh? I don't see anything.
Ashley: Uh-oh...

A paintball comes flying up at Sunny, but misses him by a hair. Sunny dives into a patch of tall grass. He pokes his gun through. He still doesn't see anybody.

Ashley: Sunny- Stay in your current position! Arnold is heading back there.

Arnold puts on his night vision goggles and activates them. He spots Mario and unloads three shots on his head.

Archer Bio-Shell

1/3/2002 5:48:35 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Round 3

*Sunny is still in the tall grass*
*Pulls his night vision goggles down*

*Over radio*
Sunny: Okay, from the looks of it they are trying to surround us.
Wolf: You're pro--OUCH!--bably right...
Blick: What's wrong with you?
Wolf: This dang holly bush.
Ashley: Well, get out of it then!
Wolf: Uh--Good idea.

*Makes a run for it*
*As he is running paint balls are splattering all around him*

Wolf: :freakout:

*He dives into the grass around where Sunny is*

Sunny: Long time no see!
Wolf: Mm-hmm.
Jonathan Katarn
1/3/2002 10:44:22 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
RE: Round 3

*Sunny gets on his knees*
*all you can see from around him is his kevlar helmet, and a little bit of his eyes.*

Sunny: Where do we go now?
Ashely: I don't know, there is a group of trees over there. I see some movment over there.
Blick: Thats me, don't shoot.
Wolf: Im gonna see if I can sneak around to the other side.
Arnold: I'm comming with ya, yer' probably gonna need some backup..

*Wolf gets out of the grass and goes around to where Arnold is waiting for him*
*They head to the east*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/22/2002 3:51:43 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
The Lands of Meeriad - Round 3

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