The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Sunder Continent - Sekhmet
RE: A boat

*They head back for the Waffle Barn*
*They arive*

Wader: ught-oh, not those 2 pigs again...
Wader #2: Hi, how may I help you?
2 Waffles Price: 5
Bacon Price: 1
Eggs Price: 2
Toast Price: 2
Steak Price: 6
2 Pancakes Price: 5
Sausage Price: 2
Jonathan Katarn
1/16/2002 11:31:22 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
RE: A boat

*The waiter comes over to John and Chris.*
Waiter: Hello. Are you ready to order?
John: Uhh, yeah. I want two pancakes... some eggs... and some toast.
Waiter: *Looks at Chris.* And you?
Chris: I'll have a Slab-o-Steak and some toast.
Waiter: Alright. *Leaves.*
Chris: What's our next move?
John: We go see Mr. West.

John Gibson

John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C

1/17/2002 10:47:48 AM

Level: 19
Experience: 31580

Total Posts: 442
RE: A boat

*They eat and get on their way*
*They arive at Mr. West's house*
*They knock*
*No answer*

Chris: This isn't a varry good sign...
John: Your right...

*They slide away the air unit and go in*
*Mr. West is laying uncontess on the floor*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/21/2002 11:31:00 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: A boat

"You were supposed to go somewhere else, loser." John grumbles and slings Mr. West over his shoulder.
"Where to?" Chris asks.
"The main continent. Hopefully there're some boats we can hijack."
They head to the docks and see a small sailboat.
"It'll do." John says and gets in.
They sail for a while. After about two hours, Chris looks at his compass and taps John on the shoulder.
"Uhh, John. We're going to wrong way."
"Well sheeeoooot!" John yells and brings down the sail. "Got any oars?"
"Nope." Chris answers.
John raises the sail and says, "Where are we going?"
"I think there's supposed to be some continent there that nobody's ever been to."
"Well, we'll be the first..."

John Gibson

John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C

1/22/2002 10:42:33 AM

Level: 19
Experience: 31580

Total Posts: 442
A boat

Chris: It does help that we are explorers...
John: yeah...

*Chris grabs his binoculars*

Chris: There! I see land. It is off to the east.

*John adjusts the sails, and they head east*
*about 30 minutes later, they land on shore*

John: Well, here we are...
Chris: What'll we do with him?

*points his thumb over his shoulder towards Mr. West*

John: I guess we'll bring him with us...
Chris: Ok, but theres a storm moving in, we're gonna have to move pretty quickly...

*They grab Mr. West, and pull the boat up into the tree line*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/22/2002 1:06:31 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: A boat

*As they continue into the woods, it gets darker and more rain clouds appear.*
John: It's probably safer out in the open. You know, all these trees could fall on us.
Chris: Naw, that'd feel good. Let's stay. Blah

*They drag Mr. West out onto the beach and sit down. It starts to rain.*

Chris: NOW what do we do?
John: Dunno.


Chris: Hey... did you hear that?
John: Hear what?
Chris: It sounded like... trees crunching.
John: Get in the boat. I'll get Mr. West.

*Chris dashes to the boat. John slings Mr. West over his shoulder and runs to the boat.*

Chris: Let's move it! *He grabs a pole and pushes off of the beach. A huge dinosaur-type monster comes running out of the woods. It sees the boat and roars.*
John: AYI-YI-YI-YI-YI!! *Pulls out his Mac-10 and shoots at it. The bullets don't do anything.* Eh... heh... Wide Eyes

Archer Bio-Shell

1/22/2002 1:48:32 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: A boat

*The moster looks like he wants to go in the water, but he doesn't.*
*It roars in frustration, and finally dives in*

Chris: ught-oh...

*everything is quiet exept the rain*
*All of a sudden 50 ft. off the side of the boat there is a HUGE splash*
*A bubles come up to the sufice, as if somthing had dround*
*The water turns to a blood red*
*The lightning lets our heros sort of see the color*

Chris: Somthing is down there...
John: I'll say...

*As they are looking, they hear somthing behind them, they look, and see an even bigger monster*
*The monster has flesh and fresh blood on its teeth*

Chris: We're all gonna die...
John: Jump overboard, we might be to small for him to keep track of...

*They dive in, but stay somewhat close to the boat*

John: Wait! Mr. West!!!

*Just then the monster dives after the boat*
*Chomps down on it, wood splinters go everywhere*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/22/2002 3:16:59 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: A boat

Mr. West: *The cold water brings him to his senses. He shakes his head and sees wood everywhere. He freaks out and swims farther out to sea.*
John: *Grabs him.* The monster thinks you're in the boat. It'll be occupied for a minute, now let's MOVE IT!
*They swim as fast as they can.*
Chris: Uhh, there's a problem.
John: What's that?
Chris: We probably won't be able to swim long enough to get somewhere...
John: Oh boy.
Mr. West: *Looks over his shoulder.* HERE IT COMES!!

*Enter battle*
Saur HP - 2000
John HP - 200
Chris HP - 200
Mr. West HP - 150

*John tries to keep himself afloat while he pulls out his Desert Eagle. He shoots the Saur between the eyes. 50 damage.*

Saur HP - 1950

*Chris pulls out his AK-47 and tries to fire with one hand, keeping himself floating with the other. He misses.*

*Mr. West pulls out his Light Blade and swims over to the Saur. He slashes across its face. 63 damage.*

Saur HP - 1887

*The Saur attacks and bites at Chris. Chris pushes himself under water and the Saur misses.*

*John pulls out his Mac-10 and fires. Critical hit. 100 damage.*

Saur HP - 1762

*Chris swims over to the Saur and jumps on its head. It tries to shake him off. He shoots it in the head with his DE. 52 damage.*

Saur HP - 1710

Mr. West: How much can this thing take?? *Swims over to it and performs his Triple Strike.*

Saur HP - 1524

*Saur attacks John. He tries to swim to the side, but the Saur nabs his arm.*

John: ARGGH! *Drops his DE. It sinks.*

John HP - 142

Chris: HEY!! *Kicks it in the head and shoots it twice.*

Saur HP - 1426

Archer Bio-Shell

1/22/2002 4:07:24 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: A boat

*Mr. West again grabs his Light sword*
*Hit. 65 damage*

Saur HP - 1361

*The Saur dives under water, and comes up underneath Chris and nips*
*Hit. 30 damage*

Chris HP - 170

*John grabs his Mac-10*
*Hit. 48 damage *

Saur HP - 1313

*Mr. West grabs his light blade*

*Chris grabs his Desert Eagle*
*Hit. 50 damage*

Saur HP - 1263

*Saur runs*

Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/22/2002 4:33:10 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: A boat

*John takes a deep breath and dives down, looking for his pistol. As he messes around in the sand, he looks up and sees something moving, far out. He squints, trying to see it better. Then he realizes it's a huge shark-type monster. He feels the metal of his gun, grabs it and swims to shore as fast as he can.*


*Chris and Mr. West get to shore as fast as they can. They look out at the water and see the shark. As it sees there's nothing to eat around there, it just turns around and swims off.*

Chris: That was close. Now... what about getting off this island? Huh?
John: That could be a problem. *They turn around.* Our first priority while we're here, though, is to find shelter.
Chris: *Wiggles his fingers.* We have our hands.
John: You're right. Let's get diggin'.

*The start to scoop up sand, making a small tunnel leading toward the middle of the island.*

Chris: Mr. West, go get us some boards from the boat. We can support our little cave with them.
Mr. West: Roger. *Heads off to where the boat was and brings some wood back to the beach.*


Chris: *Hangs a lantern on one of the boards.* I'm gonna get some rest. Night.
John: I suggest you get some rest, too, Mr. West.
Mr. West: Alright. Good night. *Lays down and closes his eyes.*
John: *Gets out of the cave and gets some left over wood. He goes back in the cave and blocks the entrance with the wood. He lies down and falls asleep.*

Archer Bio-Shell

1/22/2002 8:33:57 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: A boat

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