The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Talk
RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?

i've heard pf phantasy star online..but never Nox

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

2/11/2002 7:12:43 AM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?

There's some room in the main town (or whatever it is) in PSO that me and Chris think looks like from the beginning of The Phantom Menace where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are in the Federation ship looking out the window at Naboo. Grin
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

2/16/2002 12:18:24 AM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 366
RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?


I was messing around with it one time, and I found this room...I showed it to Wolf, and he agreed it looked like the TPM room...Grin
It is the coolest room in the game..Grin
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

2/16/2002 12:20:46 AM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?

I saw it before you showed me though..... Blah
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

2/16/2002 12:21:30 AM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 366
RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?


Wolf: Grin
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

2/16/2002 12:22:03 AM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?

Oh yeah, I remember that room. Fun fun fun.

Real Ultimate Walrus
Walruser than expected
Not walrusy enough

2/16/2002 8:56:57 AM

Level: 79
Experience: 2000027

Total Posts: 221
RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?

The Hunter's Guild, it was... Yes, TPMish.

Archer Bio-Shell

2/16/2002 12:56:07 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: Hey, blick? Can you go online with PSO now?

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