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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Zanardio |
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Transmit Station ADMIN EDIT: Ultima and Zhun's Minds being on another planet is impossible. A small building in Zanardio with a granite exterior. Inside many computers and satellite recievers are at work. Two loud, cylindrical machines are in the middle of it all. One is marked in sloppy blue letters: "Ultima". The other reads in more clean, white letters: "Zhun". Directly above the station, millions of miles away, sits Kansing Luat, the Mind of the shell named "Ultima Tipense". A pair of strange, opaque goggles cover his eyes. From here on the planet Vansid, he controls Ultima. While Kansing is safe in his seat, Ultima is on Meeriad fighting and getting hurt. Kansing's best friend, Wurant Psien, sits on the other side of the cylindrical Mind Transmit Unit, controlling the shell of Ultima's own friend and colleague, Zhun Sontig. "Wurant." Kansing says in a low voice. "Ultima is being called by the leader of the Hawk Eyes. Ultima's in Zanardio, where's Zhun?" "Zhun's in Callice. He's buying things. Have Ultima go ahead, Zhun will get there when he can." Wurant replies. "Okay." Kansing acknowledges. | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 2/12/2002 5:16:32 PM ![]() Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
RE: Transmit Station Ultima: *Throws an apple core away and stands up from his resting spot next to a tree. He starts walking to the Hawk Eyes HQ.* --Later, Hawk Eyes Headquarters-- Leader: Where is Zhun? Ultima: He's in Callice city, sir. He'll be here soon. Leader: Well, I need you two to do something, and I can't inform you before he gets here... *They see Zhun hurry in.* Leader: Ah, there you are. Please, seat yourselves. *Ultima and Zhun sit down.* Leader: I need you two to go to the Cave of Famptin, near the Hirma field, and get me the Coul leaves... Zhun: They're used to cure extreme diseases, are they not? Leader: That is correct. Ultima: Who's ill, sir? Leader: ...Our best member, Ken Ridgald. *Looks sadly around the room.* The cave is guarded by a few powerful monsters... Be careful, but do hurry, please. Ultima: We'll get right on it. *Zhun and Ultima rush out of the Hawk Eyes HQ.* | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 2/25/2002 8:22:39 PM ![]() Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
RE: Transmit Station *Zhun and Ultima hurry off towards Hirma Field* Zhun: What are we looking for again? Ultima: Coul leaves. Zhun: For Ken? I never liked him much, he was too self centered. Ultima: I know what you mean, but he is our best archer, so we'll just have to put up with him. *He looks ahead* There's the cave! *They run towards it* *A bat(50 HP) flies out and scrathces Zhun(5 damage)* *Battle* Zhun punches the bat and pushes it to the cave wall with his fist (16 damage) Ultima draws back his bow string and lets an arrow fly right through the bat (34 damage) *End Battle* Zhun: Ha! Are these the powerful creatures our leader was talking about? *They both turn to the sound of heavy breathing to see an orc(150 HP) standing at the mouth of the cave* Ultima and Zhun together: Slaaaag... Zhun: I uh, guess not. | Zhun Sontig Archer Bio-Shell Archer 2/28/2002 7:48:02 PM Level: 1 Experience: 80 Total Posts: 13 |
RE: Transmit Station *Battle.* *Ultima readies an arrow and shoots the orc in the chest. 34 damage. Orc HP: 116.* Orc: My tummy feels funny! *Attacks Zhun with his axe. 44 damage. Zhun HP: 156.* Zhun: Ouch... *Shoots an arrow at the orc. 32 damage. Orc HP: 84.* *Ultima fires another arrow at the orc. 30 damage. Orc HP: 54.* Orc: Stop poking meeeeee! *Attacks Ultima with his axe. 45 damage. Ultima HP: 176.* *Zhun shoots an arrow at the orc for 34 damage. Orc HP: 10.* *Ultima runs and jumps into the air, foot extended. He hits the orc square in the face. The orc falls over.* 80 experience per person. *End battle.* | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 2/28/2002 9:33:04 PM ![]() Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
RE: Transmit Station *Zhun and Ultima walk deeper into the cavern* Zhun: What are we looking for again? Ultima: Coul leaves... Zhun: Leaves? Like, tree leaves? Trees that need the sun to grow? Then why are we in a cavern? Ultima: Coul trees get energy from moisture and minerals in rocks, the sun would kill it. Zhun: Oh... alright then... | Zhun Sontig Archer Bio-Shell Archer 7/8/2002 12:57:11 PM Level: 1 Experience: 80 Total Posts: 13 |
RE: Transmit Station Ultima: Watch out for snakes and bats. *They continue through the cave.* Ultima: It's dark. Zhun: No kidding, Sherlock. Ultima: Wait, what's that? *Points at a branch sticking out of a crack in the rock. Zhun: Coul leaves? Ultima: Coul be. Zhun: *Groans.* Ultima: Anyway, there's not enough on this branch... we need to find more. But where? I haven't seen any others. | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 7/9/2002 9:44:28 PM ![]() Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
RE: Transmit Station Zhun: Who knows? I don't want to be in this cave any longer! Ultima: We can't leave till we find the coul leaves. Zhun: Why? I never really liked Ken all that much. Ultima: If we don't, we won't get paid for the mission! Zhun: I just want to..... wait a minute, we're getting paid for this!? Keep looking! *the sound of heavy breathing makes them stop in their tracks* Zhun: Not again... *they turn to see a small urchin(50 hp)* *Battle* *Zhun fires an arrow and hits the urchin (32 damage)* *the urchin runs up and bites Ultima in the ankle(10 damage)* Ultima: Ow! You little bugger! *Ultima shoots the urchin with an arrow, killing it* *Battle Over* Zhun: That was pretty easy. *The heavy breathing continues* Ultima: Where is the coming from? *An orc comes out of the shadows (300 HP)* Orc: You killed my little buddy! Zhun: Look! Hes holding some coul leaves! Ultima: We have to get them from him! Orc: My pretty leaves! You no take! I killee!! *Battle* ![]() | Gunner ![]() Howling Wind Agent Banned (Cause I put it here!) Not Immortal Woof 7/16/2002 2:49:06 PM ![]() Level: 11 Experience: 7588 Total Posts: 266 |
RE: Transmit Station Ultima: Slag. *Shoots an arrow at it. It misses. The Orc comes over and grabs both Ultima and Zhun by their necks.* Zhun: Hrrrkk! go... *Tries to kick the Orc but can't. ???: Grakk! Stand down. Orc: Huuuh? *Turns around. Another Orc comes out of the darkness. He's riding a wolf.* Ahh! *Lets go of Zhun and Ultima.* Chieftain! *Kneels.* Ultima: *Looks around, confused.* Orc Chieftain: What do you want, humans? Ultima: Umm... We... We came for Coul leaves... You see-- Orc Chieftain: I'm sorry. These leaves will not leave this place. Ultima: Wait, hold on, we only want a few. A... colleague of ours is sick, and will die if we don't get these Coul leaves. Orc Chieftain: ...They are sacred. Ultima: I understand, but you have to let us have... we only need maybe five leaves. Orc Chieftain: You will not have them. Now leave this place. Ultima: I will fight you if I must. I must get those leaves. Orc Chieftain: Fight! Ha ha! Fighting will not solve this. Zhun: Hey-hey-hey. You could set up trials for us. If we can get through the trials, we get a few leaves. How about it? Ultima: *Looks at Zhun.* It could take weeks to set up trials. Ken will probably be dead by then-- Orc Chieftain: The trials... are this way. | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 7/17/2002 2:19:22 PM ![]() Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
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