The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Mesania
RE: New  Vehicle...

*jake walks out from behind some boxes*
john: any news?
jake: well..according to them, it's a wrestling match..
chris: i knew there was a catch...
jake: oh well..lets woop em' anyways!
chris: Grin

Chris Edit: This is gonna be wierd...there is really no way to "beat" one another, because we will both want to win. We might have to have a tie or something like that...who know's. We'll figure something out.

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

6/11/2002 7:20:56 AM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: New  Vehicle...

(OOC: Yes there would. We either

A. Do an actual battle with wrestling attacks.
B. Put our characters to the limit and whoever's REALLY better wins.

Archer Bio-Shell

6/12/2002 9:16:02 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: New  Vehicle...

(Dear god I forgot all about this... maybe we should actually finish it now that I'm back Dead)

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

12/6/2002 1:08:21 AM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: New  Vehicle...

(OOC: Well, I still dont see how it is going to work...Blah)
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

12/6/2002 10:21:20 AM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: New  Vehicle...

(I didn't mean really wrestling, just melee only fighting Dead)

(Oh well, nevermind then..)

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

12/6/2002 6:36:46 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: New  Vehicle...

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