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The Lands of Meeriad - Role Play Forum
Paintball ! Round 1 !

Blue team: Sunny, Wolf, Drut, Blick
Red team: Chris, Gunner, Jake, John

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

3/22/2002 7:33:51 AM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

Referee: It's four-on-four, blue team versus red team! They all have a lot of experience in paintball, so this ought to be an interesting match. Let's get this show on the road!

Blick: *Takes in their surroundings. Their starting point is a small opening in the middle of the woods. Four huts sit around a dirt mound. Blick rushes up a tree and pulls out his SR-8.* (Over radio) I'm in position.
Wolf: (Over radio) Roger that. *Climbs into a tree on the other side of the village.* I am, too. *Draws his M82 and watches out.*
Sunny: (Over radio) Me and Drut will proceed with the assault. *Puts radio away.* Alright Drut, ready your gear.
Drut: I already have.
*They make their way through the woods. They're just close enough to see each other.*

Archer Bio-Shell

3/22/2002 4:03:48 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

*A paint ball zooms by Sunnys head*

Sunny:  (over radio) Hit the dirt Drut!

*The both go down as paintballs go over their heads*
*They scrable up and climb into some trees*
*Sunny grabs his SR-8*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

3/22/2002 4:12:04 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

drut: *over radio* put on your camo sunny
sunny: *over radio* i did
drut: *fires shot and barly misses jake*
*jake gets startled and runs back to base to alert the pothers of druts location*

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

3/22/2002 4:26:48 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

Sunny: (Over radio) This is gonna get interesting. Wolf, get ready.
*Jake runs into camp*

Jake: Guys! I found them! Up in some trees on the other side of the mountian.
Chris: Lets go!
Gunner: I'll guard the base.
John: Ok. We'll be back.
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

3/22/2002 4:39:27 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

(Next Round: Blue versus red, 5 vs. 5, capture the flag!)
Blick: (Over radio.) Bogie on my 'hairs. *Fires and misses.* Dangit!

John: Holy...! *Gets behind a large tree.* That was too close. (Over radio.) Guys, SR-8 sniper.
Drut: *Comes around the tree. He aims at John's head. John dives to the side, drawing his Desert Eagles. He fires blindly at Drut, missing. He runs back to base, with Drut in pursuit, firing at him. Drut notices the base up ahead and pulls back.*

Archer Bio-Shell

3/22/2002 4:52:29 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

*dozens of paintballs wizz by drut*
drut: Wide Eyes AHHH!
blick: (over radio) quick! jump behind the bush to your right, well cover you
*drut jumps in a bush*
*nobody comes so he army crawls back to base*


gunner: ok, chris, stand by and guard base, jake you go up left, ill take right, john you cover from a tree top

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

3/22/2002 7:46:59 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

*Gunner goes right a paintball zooms by him about 1 inch away from him*
*He dives to the dirt and crawls towards some bushes*
*John is climbing up a tree he sees Wolf with his sniper**He sets his sites on Wolf. Just as he is about to pull the triger, a brach snaps and John falls 5 feet*
*Wolf sees John and sets up his Sniper*

Wolf: (Over Radio) I have you now!

*Right as Wolf pulls the trigger John jumps down to another branch out of Wolf's view*

John: Close one...
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

3/23/2002 2:15:02 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

sunny: gotcha now *snipes out gunner and hits him 6 times in the back*
drut: wooo!
jake: *fires barage of paintballs at drut*
drut: AHHHH! *jumps out of tree and makes a run for it*

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

3/23/2002 6:44:44 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Paintball ! Round 1 !

John: (Over radio) I'm gonna try infiltrating their base again, cover me.
*He cautiously makes his way through the forest, using whatever cover he can. He comes out in the clearing of the blue team's base.*
John: (Over radio) I'm in.
Wolf: *Whispers to himself.* Not for long... *Shoots John in the head.*
John: AGHH! Cry Noooo...
Blick: 4 on 2. Think we'll lose?
Wolf: Haha.

Archer Bio-Shell

3/23/2002 6:54:31 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
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The Lands of Meeriad - Paintball ! Round 1 !

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