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The Lands of Meeriad - Gaming
RE: Star Wars: Galaxies

Yeah. I know why they charge...I was just messin'...
You wouldn't think it would cost THAT much to maintain servers...I read $10 a person...with like thousands of people...They are making out like bandits man! Grin

I wish so bad that Star Wars Galaxies was also single player...Blah
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

11/22/2002 12:50:40 AM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Star Wars: Galaxies

Well, it could be around $10,000 a month for the servers... it kinda depends on if they're using their own connections or have the servers with a company that specifically does that kinda stuff.

Storms Gibson & Conner
"Guitar George, he knows all them fancy chords."
Mercenary -- So There

Tom Fender
Member of SG&C
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11/22/2002 3:34:38 PM

Level: 18
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Total Posts: 323
RE: Star Wars: Galaxies

But then, you have 100,000 players, paying 5 bucks a month, it MORE than pays for the servers...

Although, I guess more people = more bandwidth/space used = higher cost... Blah

I'm probably confused, plus I don't know a lot about this stuff, so if I say something stupid, don't mind me.

John Gibson

John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C

11/22/2002 3:51:25 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31580

Total Posts: 442
RE: Star Wars: Galaxies

Hmm, that makes sense I guess...Oh well...Blah
Just gonna have to wait and see...Happy
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

11/25/2002 2:47:11 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: Star Wars: Galaxies

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