The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Wyndor
RE: A small town is a good town

*Belial bends down and wrenches the knife out of Thug2's hand.  He jams it into Thug2's throat, then rips it out and starts continuosly jamming it into his chest, 113 damage due to stabbing repetition*

-End Battle-

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

2/15/2005 9:36:19 AM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
RE: A small town is a good town

*Kugo looks around at the carnage he helped create. He then turns to Belial*
Kugo: I think the supplies should be behind those crates to your left.
Black Mage
2/15/2005 9:47:36 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 168

Total Posts: 15
RE: A small town is a good town

*looks down at the bloody knife in his hand*
Belial: Say, Kugo, did I ever tell you about how much I hate mages?
*Belial whirls and throws the knife towards Kugo's head, and it whizzes by his ear missing by |---| Belial: But you're alright... for a mage.
*Belial walks over to one of the crates of counterfit lom just as soem police sirens are heard.*
Belial: Slag! The cops must have found out about our little operation!
*Belial walks over to Thug1 and rips the knife out of his chest and tosses it to Kugo*
Belial: Blunt objects aren't always the best, you might need that.  Lets go!

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

2/17/2005 9:55:08 AM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
RE: A small town is a good town

Kugo: Belial, wait!
Belial: What?
Kugo: I think we're both blind, cause neither of us noticed the car right back here.
Belial: ... Good, we might get away without a fight.  Cops are the last people I want to criss off.
*Belial gets in the passenger seat*
Kugo: You're not going to drive?
Belial: Mage, I don't like driving, ok?  now get in the car.
*Kugo jumps in*
Kugo: The keys are still in it, thats lucky!
*Belial glares at Kugo*
Kugo: Right, drive, ok, here we go!
*Kugo turns the keys and the motor starts up*
Belial: You need to drive really fast, just in case a chase starts.

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

2/22/2005 10:36:05 PM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
RE: A small town is a good town

Kugo: Ok, but you'd better hold on.
*Kugo slams the accellerator to the floor. The car spins out for a few seconds before taking off like a land rocket. Kugo looks in the rear-view mirror of the car and sees the last thing either one of them wanted to see. He saw a squad of cops chasing them.*
Kugo: Oh great, we're being chased by the cops...
Black Mage
3/4/2005 1:22:20 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 168

Total Posts: 15
RE: A small town is a good town

Belial: Well, thats ok, I guess...
*Belial rips off a piece of his shirt and bandages his stab wound*
Kugo: We're running out of highway, I'm gonna have to get on the interstate up here if we want to keep driving this fast.
Belial: Do it!
*Kugo swerves onto the Interstate entrance ramp while Belial holds on for dear life*
*One of the cop cars takes the turn onto the ramp too fast and flips his car over the side, causing a pile up of cars behind Belial and Kugo*
Kugo: How many is left?
*Belial pokes his head out the window, raises his AK, and shoots out the front tires of the closest police car, it swerves off the road*
Belial: Just one now, mage!

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

3/18/2005 9:32:07 AM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
RE: A small town is a good town

*Kugo sees a semi truck in front of them on the interstate*
Kugo: I'd brace myself if I were you, Belial.
Belial: Why?
Kugo: Just do it. I've got an idea.
*Belial braces himself as Kugo tears down the interstate, passes the semi, and drops alongside the right side of it as the cop stazrts to go around the semi on the left. Kugo slams on the brakes as the cop gets about halfway down the length of the semi. The cop speeds off chasing nothing. Kugo and Belial evade the cops*
Kugo: Now that we're not being chased anymore, where should we go?
Black Mage
3/25/2005 6:59:35 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 168

Total Posts: 15
RE: A small town is a good town

Belial: Where should WE go? *Belial puts a gun to Kugo's head* YOU can go sod yourself, I'm turning this car around.  Get out.
Kugo: Maybe we should work together!
Belial: GET.  OUT.
*Belial pushes Kugo's door open and pushes him out*
Belial: If I ever meet you again, THEN we can work together.  But, good luck finding me.
*Belial drove the car through the median and into the interstate lane going the opposite direction of the confused cop and sped away*


[Kugo gains 168 experience.]
[Belial gains 168 experience.]

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

4/7/2005 9:57:59 AM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: A small town is a good town

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