The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Nookiya Forest
The Adventures of Jonathan and Fire in Nookiya

(Four years after original meeting. Check Jonathan Kataran or Fire McFarlan's profiles for further information.)

It has been two years since I found Fire wondering around in my yard. Two entertaining years. We are doing what demons do best. Causing mischief and mayhem! We are demons (or half-demons) after all, are mildly to extremely evil.

It was always a bit chilly in the mornings, today being no exception. Fire walked beside me as we carefully kept our eyes open for prey. This particular hunting expedition had become a ritual. Twice a year we explored the forest looking for "Stupid Humans". You know the ones I’m talking about. They come into this forest, the one few men or women return from, arrogantly thinking they can conquer the unconquerable. And we are here to make sure they don’t conquer this place of everlasting beauty.

How, you may ask, do we do this? Ahhh, that is where the story begins.

Today we were staring three weeks of Spring Cleaning! Of course this had us both excited. This only happens twice a year, and Fall cleaning has been six months ago. This year we were starting at the Fountain of Death. There was always plenty to pick up at the fountain. You see, most people think being eternally young would be wonderful. We demons know differently. Eternal youth is a bit of a curse. You never age, or die. You see the civilizations come and go. Great wars and destruction. What fun is there in that? At least we demons can age or die... if we want to. Not to mention that we are gifted with a slightly different outlook. Being born immortal does that to you. What this was all leading up to is that because of the human mentality they think the Fountain of Youth will be beautiful, almost heavenly. Unfortunately for them they pick the wrong fountain. The Fountain of Youth is actually this little muddy murky spring coming out of the mud into a stone pond. This fountain is surrounded by poison ivy, and infested with spiders, poisonous snakes, and other nasties. The Fountain of Death on the other hand is rather heavenly. In a literal kind of way. It leads strait to your spiritual life, be it to the pearly gates or fiery pit.

The fog had dissipated long before we approached the Fountain of Death. Several bodies were scattered around the fountain. All of them appeared to have worn the same uniform, though after all this time it was difficult to tell. From the looks of it, they had all drank from the fountain at the same time. This type of human stupidity made sure that we had more bodies to loot and weeded out the shallow end of the gene pool! All around it was a wonderful turn of events.

The first man I searched had 8 lom, and a bow so dilapidated that we buried it with him. The man Fire searched had 3 lom, and a dagger. The last three men we searched had a total of 16 lom, and nothing worth saving. So we buried the junk with them. Buried the junk with them and the other two men under trees for fertilizer. Barbaric yes, but we had a need to keep the forest healthy, and humans make lovely fertilizer.  After we finished burying them we moved away from the Fountain of Death and set up camp. After all, digging was hard work! So here I sit in front of the camp fire, making this entry into my journal. Fire is already sound asleep, and I suppose I should get some sleep too. There is another long day ahead of us tomorrow.
Jonathan Katarn
9/18/2004 3:47:19 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
RE: The Adventures of Jonathan and Fire

Ultima leans against a tree, half-asleep, bow in hand. A creature makes a noise in the distance. Ultima jumps and readies his bow. He looks around and sees nothing. He breathes after a few seconds of silence, stands up, and proceeds down what little path can be found, trying to wake himself up. He holds his light blade down low to the ground so as not to alert anything to his presence and to light his way. In the distance he hears running water and hurries. Could it be the fountain of youth he'd heard stories about? He enters the clearing and sees the glistening pool. He smiles in amazement.

"Argh, what?"
Kansing jumps out of bed and, tripping over everything, eventually finds his way to the beeping control device. He picks it up.
"What's goin' on?"
"I think I just found the fountain of youth." Ultima says, barely containing himself.
"Okay. I'm so proud of you. I'm going back to sleep. Night."
Kansing yawns and returns to bed.

Ultima looks dumbfounded at Kansing's lack of excitement. Then he notices something is wrong. There are several large spots around the clearing where the dirt has been disturbed recently. He observes the entire area silently, but doesn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary.
"I have a bad feeling about this..."
Archer Bio-Shell

9/19/2004 8:50:57 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
More  Adventures at the Fountain

Dear Journal,

Early this morning I awoke with all my demonic senses screaming. I quickly awakened Jonathan and told him, “We have to go back to the Fountain of Death. Something really bad is about to happen.”

“Wouldn’t bad be good for us?”

“Not that kind of bad, Jonathan, the kind of bad that is bad for everybody.” I grinned. “We need to hurry”. After breaking camp the quickly journeyed to the fountain. I smothered a yawn while trying not to make noise. The last thing they wanted to do was surprise whatever was at the fountain.

When they drew near the Fountain of Death Jonathan and I dropped our packs, knowing they would only be in the way for what would come. Creeping up on the fountain we saw a creepy muscle bound human talking to something somewhere else. This pile of moving (ugly) muscle seemed to think it had found the Fountain of Youth. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

After Jonathan and I moved back from the Fountain of Death I started talking. “Jonathan, I think we should stop him from whatever he’s planning to do with the fountain.” Jonathan looked unconvinced. “Besides, I have an itch to do something nice.”

“Okay, we will attempt to help him, but the moment he makes a violent move we are gone. I don’t care about him. . . I’d rather have him for fertilizer”. We started openly walking back to the fountain, hoping that the pile of muscle would hear us before we got there (and not hurt us). Near the edge of the clearing we heard him mutter to himself something about bad feelings? (HUMANS!)

Jonathan cleared his throat, and the man turned towards us, with a sword raised. "We don't want to harm you." I told him. He slowly lowered his sword and took a few steps towards us.

. . .
Black Mage
9/19/2004 9:49:48 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 140

Total Posts: 50
RE: More  Adventures at the Fountain

Ultima sheathes his sword.
"Hello." he says slowly. "I am Ultima Tipense. I am searching for the fountain of youth."
"You have a long way to go." Fire says. "This is the fountain of death. We watch over it and bury the filthy bodies of those such as yourself who mistake it."
"I see..." Ultima says. "So that is what you are doing out here."
"Well, and we live out here." Fire explains. "I am Fire McFarlan, and this is Jonathan Katarn."
Jonathan nods.
"I am pleased to meet you." Ultima says, bowing.
"Well, since it's morning, would you like to join us for breakfast?" asks Fire.
"I would, thank you." Ultima says.
"Follow us." she says. Ultima follows the demons to their small camp, where the fire is barely going. Jonathan fixes up the fire while Fire gathers food.
Archer Bio-Shell

9/20/2004 11:35:53 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
Adventures in the Forest

. . .

After she got back with some food, I started cooking it. We had a short conversation about why I cooked the food. Fire has a tendency to overcook food, as I have previously stated in past journal entries. When it was all cooked, we ate and talked for a while. Nothing worth mentioning, just small talk. By that time it was around eleven o’clock, so we packed up our camp, and journeyed south, towards the fountain of youth.

Around one o’clock, we came across two bodies lying on the ground. Apparently they were attacked by some wolves, not long ago. We looted the bodies, and buried them under a couple trees. They had a grand total of thirty lom. We split it three ways. I wasn’t for the idea of having this guy along in the first place, now I have to share my earnings with him too?!

. . .
Jonathan Katarn
9/23/2004 12:55:03 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
Adventures in the Forest

"You... loot dead bodies?" Ultima asks apprehensively.
"What's the point of leaving good things with a dead body that couldn't possibly use it?" Jonathan responds in a low tone.
"I see your point."
Ultima pockets the lom. Jonathan makes no effort to hide his dislike for Ultima.

In about ten minutes, they reach the fountain of youth.
"This is it." Fire says, gesturing. Ultima is taken aback by its appearance. It could be described as a large puddle.
"We haven't seen a soul drink from this in all our years out here." Jonathan pipes in.
"It is very ugly." Ultima says bluntly. "It's no wonder so many mistake the fountain of death for this."
"Fools." Jonathan mumbles. "We don't interfere with their stupidity. We get loot, the trees get good fertilizer, and the gene pool is cleaned a little bit more."
"Fertilizer?!" Ultima cries.
"Be quiet." Fire snaps. "There are zorushes out here at this hour."
"Yes, fertilizer." Jonathan replies. "What would you have us do? They're dead."
Ultima doesn't say anything.
Archer Bio-Shell

9/23/2004 1:06:44 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
Mayhem in the Forest

Ultima glanced around the area for a moment. Something suddenly seemed wrong. He looked at the two demons.

"Do either of you have a strange feeling all of a sudden?"

Jonathan and Fire surveyed the area. Jonathan responded, "Yes, but what is it?"

As if to answer his question, a loud sound--a sonic boom--emanated from the sky. A flaming object about five feet in diameter tore into the ground, leaving a massive crater and shooting a cloud of dust into the air, causing the three to cough. After the dust settled, three figures emerged from the smoldering crater: the Furry Trio. Well, rather a Furry Trio. "That was a tight fit," Blick observed. They raised their weapons and addressed the travelers.

"Who goes there?" Wolf called out. Ultima glanced at Jonathan and Fire and spoke thusly, "I have come across these creatures before. They seem to inhabit every inch of the world. Although, I have never before seen them make an entrance such as this."

Wolf crossed his arms and looked annoyed. "I asked y'all a question," he said. Ultima spoke for them, "I am Ultima. My companions are Fire--" Wolf cut him off, "On second thought, it's irrelevant," Wolf shouldered his HK21E, "Prepare to die."

Jonathan, Fire, and Ultima drew their weapons and prepared for battle.

The "Good" Guys

Level: 1
HP: 200

Level: 1
HP: 200

Level: 3
HP: 221

The Furry Trio

Level: TILT
HP: 450

Level: TILT
HP: 450

Level: TILT
HP: 450

"All shall fall before the Blick which is invincible!" Blick called out and attacked Ultima with his M240.

Ultima loses 20 HP. Ultima has 201 HP.

Ultima counterattacked Blick with his Golden Bow.

Blick loses 42 HP. Blick has 408 HP.

Blick looked down at his chest and pulled the arrow out. "How did this do more damage than .308??!" Blick looked disgusted and tossed the arrow aside. Jonathan stepped forward and fired an arrow at Wolf.

Wolf loses 32 HP. Wolf has 418 HP.

Sunny lowered his M60E4 to wipe his brow and gripe, "At this rate, this battle will be over next week." Fire attacked Sunny with her wooden rod.

Sunny loses 11 HP. Sunny has 439 HP.

Sunny laughed and counterattacked with his M60.

Fire loses 20 HP. Fire has 180 HP.

Wolf stopped and looked at Blick and Sunny, "You're right. This is going to take a while. Let's just get it over with." Blick turned, "Agreed." The Trio unleash their firepower on themselves, causing massive damage.

Wolf loses 400 HP. Wolf has 18 HP.
Blick loses 400 HP. Blick has 8 HP.
Sunny loses 400 HP. Sunny has 39 HP.

"Now, if you can't finish us off quickly, you're a bunch of sissies," Blick said. At this remark, Jonathan grew visibly angry and unleashed a critical attack on Blick.

OVERKILL! Blick loses 40 HP. Blick is dead.

"All right!" Blick shouted as his body dissipated. Ultima attacked Sunny.

Sunny loses 44 HP. Sunny is dead.

Sunny flashed the rock on sign and headbanged as he disappeared. Fire attacked Wolf.

Wolf loses 12 HP. Wolf has 6 HP.

"Hurry it up, people!" Wolf urged. Ultima finished him with an arrow from his Golden Bow.

Wolf loses 42 HP. Wolf is dead.

Wolf gave himself a twenty-one round salute as his body dissolved.

Ultima received 108 experience and 60 lom.
Jonathan received 72 experience and 60 lom.
Fire received a whopping 3 experience and 60 lom.

"They were interesting characters," Fire noted.
"Indeed," Jonathan agreed. They stowed their weapons and returned to observing the Fountain of Youth.
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

9/23/2004 2:38:11 AM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 366
Fountain of Youth

. . .

After staring at the Fountain of Youth for a long long long time, I was board. The slimy fountain had no appeal for me. “Ultima, why are we standing here? Jonathan and I have no interest in this ugly mud puddle.”

“I was sent here by my master to collect water from the Fountain of Youth for him. What he wants it for I am not privileged enough to know.”

“Hummm. Well darn. You’ve been left with few choices. You better make them quickly because Jonathan wishes to leave, and I am disinclined to stick around this nasty place. Especially since I understand it.” Ultima looked around trying to descide what to do, and cought Jonathan glaring at him. Ultima quckily walked into the woods. Jonathan started muttering about stupid humans. “You ought not say that you know. He could hear you, and personally I wouldn’t want to face him in a battle.” Since Jonathan wasn’t paying a bit of attention I just rambled on. “Your reason for not liking him is just male pride. If you were a regular male you wouldn’t care. No, your a proud demon. You care.” I suddenly became aware of a disturbance from Ultima.  

After calling to Jonathan we quickly ran to aid Ultima (or in Jonathan’s case the “bad guy”). We arrived just in time to see a ship take off into the sky leaving us far behind. Kinda odd behavior if you ask me.

Jonathan only had one comment, “Too bad. He would have made good fertilizer.”

. . .
Black Mage
9/23/2004 9:42:09 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 140

Total Posts: 50
Battle In The Forrest

. . .

So not only did he steal my money, he gets the nerves to go off and get kidnapped or something of the like. Well, if he expects us to come help him, as most humans do, he has something coming. I would have much rather killed him and used his as fertilizer, stupid human. They have no respect for us demons. We could take their lives so easily, but no...We're "good" and let them live, and how do they repay us? By stealing my freaking money. This is ridiculous!

Anyway, enough of my rambling on about the thief. After he got kidnapped, thank goodness, Fire and I kept heading south. We found a few bodies here and there, but nothing much that stood out. A few lom maybe, but that's it. Then as it was getting dark, Fire heard something in the woods about fifty feet off to our right. So I notched an arrow, and good thing I did. Next thing I knew, we had five men running at us.

Jonathan puts down his pen, stares into the campfire and thinks back at how the battle went.

Level: 1
HP: 200

Level: 1
HP: 200

The Men:
HP: 50

HP: 50

HP: 50

HP: 50

HP: 100

Jonathan releases an arrow at Bob.
Bob loses 32 HP. Bob has 18 HP.

Fire claws George with her poison claws.
George loses 15 HP. George has 35 HP. (He loses 5 HP every turn unless potion is taken.)

Bob attacks Jonathan with his fists.
Jonathan loses 5 HP. Jonathan has 195 HP.

George attacks Fire with a dagger.
Fire dodges. Fire has 200 HP.

The other three stand back and watch for now.

Jonathan shoots Bob with an arrow.
Bob loses 30 HP. Bob dies.

Fire claws George with her poison claws.
George loses 15 HP plus 5 from earlier poison. George has 15 HP.

George attacks Fire with a dagger.
Fire loses 6 HP. Fire has 194 HP.

Bill attacks Jonathan with an iron sword.
Jonathan loses 14 HP. Jonathan has 181 HP.

The other two stand back and watch for now.

Fire claws George with her poison claws.
George loses 15 HP plus 5 from earlier poison. George dies.

Jonathan shoots Bill with an arrow.
Bill loses 31 HP. Bill has 19 HP.

Jo attacks Fire with a dagger.
Fire loses 6 HP. Fire has 188 HP.

Bill attacks Jonathan with an iron sword.
Jonathan loses 15 HP. Jonathan has 166 HP.

Leon stands back and watches for now.

Jonathan shoots Bill with an arrow.
Bill loses 20 HP. Bill dies.

Fire attacks Jo with her poison claws.
Jo loses 19 HP. Jo has 31 HP. (He loses 5 HP every turn unless potion is taken.)

Leon attacks Jonathan with a beam sword.
Jonathan loses 20 HP. Jonathan has 146 HP.

Jo attacks Fire with a dagger.
Fire loses 5 HP. Fire has 183 HP.

Jonathan shoots Leon with an arrow.
Leon loses 34 HP. Leon has 66 HP.

Fire attacks Jo with her poison claws.
Jo loses 20 HP plus five from earlier poison. Jo has 6 HP.

Leon attacks Jonathan with a beam sword.
Jonathan loses 22 HP. Jonathan has 124 HP.

Jo attacks Fire with a dagger.
Fire grabs his wrist as he goes to stab her, and stabs him with his own blade.
Jo loses 10 HP. Jo dies.
Fire has 183 HP.

Jonathan shoots Leon with an arrow.
Leon loses 33 HP. Leon has 33 HP.

Fire attacks Leon with her poison claws.
Critical hit. Leon loses 28 HP. Leon has 5 HP. (He loses 5 HP every turn unless potion is taken.)

Leon attacks Fire with a beam sword. Leon is becoming weak, and Fire easily dodges.
Fire has 183 HP.

Jonathan shoots an arrow at Leon.
Jonathan misses.
Leon has 5 HP.

Fire claws Leon with her poison claws.
Leon loses 12 HP plus five from earlier poison. Leon dies.

Fire receives 137 exp.
Jonathan receives 104 exp.

Jonathan picks back up his pen and begins writing again.

After we kicked their butts, we looted their bodies and found a total of 100 lom. So, we split it between the two (not three.) of us, and buried the bodies. By that time it was dark, so we set up camp. Fire is over writing in her journal now, also. I guess I am done for the night...
Jonathan Katarn
9/25/2004 9:00:56 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
A couple weeks later....

It had been a long spring cleaning, but it was nearly over. Sadly, after the first week things had been rather boring.
Jonathan and I were gliding back to our house when I spotted a man in a truck driving through the forest. We quickly landed inside his vehicle with our weapons drawn. "State your name and business before your life is forfeit!"
The man stopped the vehicle, raised his hands, and commanded in a strange voice, "Away put your weapons! I mean you no harm! I'm Tom Fender, and I think I know you two."
With a closer look, we recognized him at last. He was a mercenary we had met on our honeymoon in the Gardens. He was an odd man that was strangely obsessed with tuna fish.
"I remember you," I said, "Frankly, I'm surprised you're still alive, considering the work you do."
Tom grinned like a moron and replied, "Yeah. Me too." He looked around and saw me in the back seat. He was still grinning. "Nice entrance. Maybe I should put a roof on this thing."
"What brings you out here?" Jonathan asked. Tom turned to him and said, "Well, me and the rest of SG&C have a job to find some bio shell that disappeared somewhere 'round these parts. Have you seen one?"
Jonathan let out a groan and looked at me. I could read his thoughts so easily. He was praying that it wasn't Ultima. Tom looked back and forth at us with a confused expession and finally said, "I suppose you've seen one. His name is Ultima Tipense." Jonathan bared his teeth and punched the dashboard shouting, "DADGUMMIT!" Tom jumped. "Yes. We've seen him. We were actually with him right before he got taken." I replied to Tom.
"I suppose you're going to make us help you find him, and I was hoping I could enjoy not working till the fall!" Jonathan complained. Tom put on an innocent look. "I never asked for any help. If you recall, you are the ones that dropped into my Jeep!" He laughed at himself, obviously finding himself amusing.

Read here next.
Black Mage
10/7/2004 9:39:00 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 140

Total Posts: 50
The Lands of Meeriad - The Adventures of Jonathan and Fire in Nookiya

The Lands of Meeriad © 2001-2007 Stasis Wolf McDog. All rights reserved.
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This site was (sadly) created and is not maintained very well by Wolf McDog.