The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Art
Improved Jake Conner

New and improved fresh scent!
New and improved Jake Conner.
Archer Bio-Shell

6/8/2005 3:19:00 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Improved Jake Conner

After improving Jake, I decided to do another Tom (with a different base picture) in the style of the improved Jake. Here it is.

Tom Fender

Archer Bio-Shell

6/19/2005 9:52:56 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Improved Jake Conner

The darkest shade of Black throws it off a bit... With all the other colors being really light, and then BAM, dark black, it throws it off (especially in his upper right (our left)part of the vest).  Lighten it up, maybe?

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
6/20/2005 2:43:18 AM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
RE: Improved Jake Conner

That part of the vest is darker by nature. There's a built-in shoulder pad, and it's a darker material than the rest of the vest. I had noticed that that part of the vest looks more like his shirt than the vest because of the color, but that's just the way it is... I guess I could make that shoulder pad the same color as the rest of the vest. Other than that, the darkest black looks fine to me. Huh?

Edit: I lightened up the shoulder pad and it DOES look better now, even though that's not the color it really should be... Oh Well

Archer Bio-Shell

6/20/2005 11:31:23 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
The Lands of Meeriad - Improved Jake Conner

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