The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Rules
General Board Rules

A. Three-Strike Ban Rules
1.) Don't spam. This should be pretty obvious. (Spamming is acceptable when used sparingly for humorous or other good reasons)
2.) Don't swear.
3.) Don't be an idiot.
4.) Don't post anything vulgar in nature.

If any of these rules are broken three times, you will be banned for seven days. If, after being unbanned, you break the rules three more times, you will be banned for a month. If, after being unbanned, you break one rule, you will be banned indefinitely.

B. One-Strike Ban Rules
1.) Don't post porn, nudity, hentai, etc.
2.) If you can maturely discuss religion, feel free, but I'm just going to ban you if you start flaming or openly bashing somebody's religion or lack thereof.

If either of these rules are broken, you will be banned for seven days. If, after being unbanned, you break rule 2, you will be banned for a month. However, if after being unbanned the first time you break rule 1, you will be banned indefinitely. After being unbanned for a second violation of rule 2, if you break either of these rules, you will be banned indefinitely.

If you have accidentally linked to porn, nudity, hentai, etc., (such as Chris Storms losing his domain name and then it was registered by a porn website, thus changing all links) you will not be banned and your post edited or deleted.

C. Generally Non-Bannable Rules
1.) Try to stay on-topic with whatever thread you're posting in.
2.) Post in the correct forums.
3.) Try to at least form a complete sentence. Bad grammar and bad spelling are generally looked down upon.
4.) A picture in your signature is to be no more than 200 pixels tall and 600 pixels wide.
5.) A portrait is to be no more than 150 pixels tall by 150 pixels wide.
6.) An icon is to be no more than 20 pixels tall by 20 pixels wide.
7.) If you want to post a picture larger than 600 pixels in width, you're better off just linking to it. If your picture stretches the post table, it will be edited into a link.

These rules are generally not bannable, but if you continue to repeatedly break them, you will be banned by the usual algorithm.

This isn't a legal system. Loopholes mean nothing. What I say goes. If you don't think your ban was fair, send Stasis a private message.

--Thank you.
--The Admin Committee
The Admin Committee
7/3/2005 1:36:37 AM

Level: 100
Experience: 4062300

Total Posts: 37
The Lands of Meeriad - General Board Rules

The Lands of Meeriad © 2001-2007 Stasis Wolf McDog. All rights reserved.
The Furry Trio Message Board™ copyright © 2001 Wolf McDog. All rights reserved.
This site owned by Stasis Wolf McDog.
This site was (sadly) created and is not maintained very well by Wolf McDog.