The Lands of Meeriad
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Terenn Blackfield

Name: Terenn Blackfield

Age: 29

Race: Halfling (human/night elf)

Class: White Mage

Weapon: Wooden Rod

Gender: Male

Spells: Heal, Cure


History: Terenn's night elf father, Jor'nu Blackfield, was an outcast of society, going against most of the night elf ways. He found himself associating with humans and adopting a more human way of life. Terenn's human mother, Maria Eisley, was just getting through a divorce when she met Jor'nu at a club in Callice. They quickly became no more than good friends; however, after finally getting over her divorce a few years later, she realized she was madly in love with Jor'nu. A year and a half later, Terenn was conceived. Nine months after that, right on schedule, he was born. From an early age, Terenn showed some magical prowess. All of the scrapes, cuts, bumps, and bruises associated with childhood were healed in a matter of hours, rather than days, in part thanks to his night elf blood and his simple will for it to go away. By age five, he was known throughout his town as a miracle child, even though he really wasn't; healing magic being common among children with any sort of magical heritage, which in itself is oh so common on Meeriad. For the entire month after his tenth birthday, he never ceased irritating his parents to send him to Swaryy's Academy of Holy Magic, in Wyndor. Eventually they succumbed, dug up the money, and sent him off. Eight years at the academy taught him much, after which he bid his parents farewell and went off on his own to offer his services to the world.
Archer Bio-Shell

7/4/2005 1:58:50 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
The Lands of Meeriad - Terenn Blackfield

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