The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Entertainment
Madness Combat 4

Warning: Excessive blood and violence


I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
8/30/2005 1:43:41 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
RE: Madness Combat 4

Wow. That was just like every other Flash movie about some stick man/person/weird thing killing tons of other stick men/people/weird things with excessive amounts of blood.
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

9/1/2005 10:44:21 AM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 366
RE: Madness Combat 4

Yup.  I loved it just as much as the others.

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
9/1/2005 1:43:09 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
The Lands of Meeriad - Madness Combat 4

The Lands of Meeriad © 2001-2007 Stasis Wolf McDog. All rights reserved.
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This site owned by Stasis Wolf McDog.
This site was (sadly) created and is not maintained very well by Wolf McDog.