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The Lands of Meeriad - Entertainment
BOOYA! (UFC 60 Spoilers)

NOTE: This post is pretty much pointless, I just felt like writing it.

Matt Hughes dominated Royce Gracie. We shall now sing "HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY."

[insert Happy Happy Joy Joy lyrics]

Most of the one round that the fight lasted was spent on the ground with Matt on top. Best Royce could do was half guard. Matt did a number on his arm with an armbar, but I guess Royce couldn't stand to have his own stuff turned on him, 'cause he refused to tap.

On a side note, about the funniest thing I've seen in UFC is Diego Sanchez spending almost three minutes hanging on John Alessio's back, standing.

Archer Bio-Shell

5/28/2006 1:12:55 AM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 1308
RE: BOOYA! (UFC 60 Spoilers)

I'd bet Gracie wouldn't tap for anything. You could probably break every bone in his body and he wouldn't tap. (Assuming he could physically do so considering that every bone in his body is broken...)

And Sanchez on Alessio was pretty funny.

I've always enjoyed this--

Guy Who Can't Speak a Word of English: .............................
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

5/28/2006 1:14:36 AM

Level: 85
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Total Posts: 366
The Lands of Meeriad - BOOYA! (UFC 60 Spoilers)

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