The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Role Play Forum
SWAT and crime syndicates

*The SWAT team come out the back door.*
Sunny: I don't see 'im.
Wolf: *Activating his night-vision.*
*Sunny sees Wolf activating his night-vision. He does the same.*
Blick: Think that was ol' Sam?
Wolf: I wouldn't be surprised.
Jake: *Behind them* Who the heck is Sam?
Wolf: Blick, you 'splain, me an' Sun'll go after Sam.
Blick: Fine. *Turns to Jake as the other two run off into the darkness of the night.* Okay, Sam is an "inside-man" for one of Callice City's biggest crime syndicates. He was found out by a secretary on lunch-break earlier this afternoon. We been after him since then. Now, if you'll excuse, ('course, I'm gonna go whether you like it or not) I gotta catch up with the guys. *Runs off into the darkness.*
Jake: Wide Eyes .......... Weirdos.

Near a warehouse

*Wolf is laying in a bush with the barrel of his Light .50 stuck out. He's got his IR goggles on.*
Wolf: *Whispering* Here, Sammy, Sammy, Sammy, Sammy......
Blick: *Stand up out of his bush* YO! SAM! WHERE THE HECK ARE YA?! *He hears a bullet whizz right by his head.* Uhm... Wide Eyes *He ducks back in his bush.* Wolf, this is Blick, can you hear me? Either Sam is armed or he found friends with arms.
Wolf: *Over Blick's headset.* I've got visual on 'em. He's got brothers in arms.
Blick: Copy. What's our move?
Wolf: Your move is to move in there. I'll sit here an' snipe.
Blick: Roger. Where's Rising Sun?
Wolf: Above you.
Blick: *Looks up and sees Sunny's butt sitting on a tree branch.* Oh.
Sunny: Guys, they're preparing a truck to leave. We need to move now.
Wolf: Blow its tires out or somethin'!
Sunny: Oh, right. *He pulls up his M4, looks through the scope, aims at the front tire, and fires... Suddenly bullets are flying all around him.* Wide Eyes *He jumps out of the tree and lands on Blick.*
Blick: OUCH! Dangit, Sun!
Sunny: Ow, sorry.
Wolf: Heads up, a black Chevy Suburban just drove away from that warehouse. It's out of my sight now. We gotta move! *He gets up out of the bush and starts running towards the warehouse. Over in the other bush, Blick and Sunny finally untangle themselves, get up, and follow Wolf.*
Wolf McDog
The ability to destroy
a planet is insignificant next
to the power of the Force.
I'm a random monster...
and the most powerful boss!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Monster--Opened for Random Access
Strikes: 40
(For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.)

1/26/2002 12:15:50 PM

Level: 85
Experience: 2500627

Total Posts: 366
RE: SWAT and crime syndicates


Sunny: *blows the other tires as he runs by* hehehe...

*Bullets fly by them as they run*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/26/2002 1:10:34 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: SWAT and crime syndicates

Sunny: Where to now?
Wolf: I dunno!
Blick: Over there!
Wolf: Where?
Blcik: THERE!
Wolf: I can't see what "there" is!
Blcik: Jeez! Do I have to say EVERYTHING for you!?
Wolf: Yes.
Blick: Sigh
Wolf: Well, common!
Blcik: Over there, in that storage shed, behind you.
Wolf: These are words on a web site...There isn't anything behind me...
Blick: Mad
Jonathan Katarn
1/29/2002 10:07:00 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
RE: SWAT and crime syndicates

*Blick runs around back of the building. Wolf and Sunny follow. Blick hops in a jeep and starts it. He floors it while Wolf and Sunny are still getting in.*
Blick: Which way'd he go?
Wolf: North-east.
Blick: Got it. *They drive off on a dirt road heading north-east. They can smell the freshly burnt gasoline, so they know they're on the right track.*
*They come to a big log.*
Blick: Hold tight! *Drives up on a mound of dirt and flies over the log. They come out in a field, where there's no trail. They see the Suburban near some more woods, abandoned. Blick doesn't slow down. He heads toward the trail near the Chevy. It's thin, only meant for people to walk, but he drives down it anyway.*

Sam's Flunky #1: *Stops walking and turns slightly.*
Sam: No time to stop now. Keep walking.
Sam's Flunky #1: No, I hear something...
Sam: *Turns around.* I hear it too...

*The trio in the jeep come flying up a slope and toward the group.*

Sam: Wide Eyes RUUUUN!!!!
*They turn and start to run, but obviously can't outrun the jeep. Blick drives off to the side. Wolf snatches two of Sam's flunkies while Sunny snatches Sam himself. Blick doesn't slow down at all.*
Blick: Wide Eyes Duck!
*They all duck down. A fallen tree breaks the windshield completely off of the jeep.*
*The trail widens and forks off. Blick swerves left and picks up his walkie talkie.*
Blick: We have Sam in our grasp. Literally. Come on down.
Ken: Roger, Blacky.

*Soon enough they hear the helicopter overhead. Blick brings them out into another clearing and stops the jeep. The chopper touches down.*

Dan: Just leave the jeep. The cargo plane will be down shortly.

*They all get in the helicopter. Wolf and Sunny tie up Sam and his flunkies and they all sit down.*

Archer Bio-Shell

2/15/2002 3:02:18 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
The Lands of Meeriad - SWAT and crime syndicates

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