Straph Anging Uber-l33t Ninja Level: 1 HP: 200 MP: 0 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 17 Member since 11/10/2005
Real Name: Straph Anging Age: 26 Gender: Male Profile: Straph was created by the Dominion Masters as an experiment. The purpose was to discover whether or not one can suspend disbelief to a point where they can do the impossible. This had already been shown to be true, at least in theory, by the existence of magic. Nobody realized that it's physically impossible. The Dominion Masters figured that they might as well make an uber-l33t ninja to test their theory.
So they did. He was born kicking faces and flipping out, but soon found that mindless violence kind of got boring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so he began wandering, nameless, through the world... kicking names and taking butt along the way. By kicking names, he took possession of them and has acquired about 239 names.
He carries a ninjato for when he just feels like flipping out or when his life is in danger. He possessed a fuuma shuriken from birth, the centerpiece of the Dominion Masters' test. By having the ability to repeatedly and precisely throw the fuuma shuriken long distances, they have already proven their theory. His packs of infinite shurikens and smoke pellets are required ninja equipment, while his daggers are last ditch life-saving devices or just tools.
Despite his past and origins sounding silly, he really is a bad dude worthy of story and song.