The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Mesania
RE: kidnapped

Scorcher:That looks like something that would be in Oddworld.
Gorath: *hits him* stop thinking about video games!

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

2/4/2002 5:12:38 PM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
RE: kidnapped

Gorath:If I remeber correctly, that girl  i met was Varr's mom... yeah it was.

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

2/4/2002 5:14:25 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: kidnapped

Varrious: *unholsters desert eagle from its shoulder holster draws it to goraths head8 I never met my mother so watch your tongue.....We're at the point of no return here.....

You shouldn't worry about snakes in the garden. when you've got spiders in your bed.
Kate Foster
2/4/2002 5:20:28 PM

Level: 2
Experience: 280

Total Posts: 103
RE: kidnapped

(you shouldn't speak to your father like that)

Gorath:Let's find the Luc guy and kick his arse!

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

2/4/2002 5:23:15 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: kidnapped

Varrious: Fine gorath go right now through that door.
Gorath: uhm.....that one? *points to a big black door marks "Luc"*
Varrious: and scorcher will wait right here so you can 'kick his butt'
Scorcher: Yeah...go ahead gorath
Gorath: Aight....*unstraps his m16 he walks up towards the door and kicks it in. As soon as he walks through the door, it shuts automatically*
Varrious and Scorcher wait outside patiently hearing the twisted screams of gorath. The doors open and Gorath is thrown outside.
Varrious: Ready to try it my way?

You shouldn't worry about snakes in the garden. when you've got spiders in your bed.
Kate Foster
2/4/2002 5:27:22 PM

Level: 2
Experience: 280

Total Posts: 103
RE: kidnapped

Gorath:I'm gonna slaughter that S.O.B.!!!

*Gorath burst back in the room. The unsespecting beast, having thought he had got the best of him, spins around in shock)

Gorath: I'm gonna send you back to the pit you crawled out of! EAT LEAD!!

*Gorath exposes his two firearms to the light of the room and empties both clips directly at the giant creature, liquid oozes out and splaters in Gorath's face. It collapses on the floor in a pool of guts and green blood*

Gorath: Suck on that you demon from heck!

*Gorath leaves the room with a smirk on his face. Scorcher and Varrious are standing outside, almost surprised Gorath even walked out of the room*
Varrious: What the heck happened!?

Gorath: Oh, nothing, I was just blasting the prince of darkness to another plain of existance Smile

Scorcher: Holly Slag dude!!! He just killed that thing single handedly! This calls for a beer and a long night at the hoar house...

Varrious: Wait a minute-He shouldn't have died that easily!! I spent days in preparation for this single fight!!

Gorath: Weeeell, sorry to have wasted your time, I'm going back to town for some alcohol!

*Gorath and Scorcher turn away, Varr is standing at the door, dumbfounded)

Varrious: Well I might as well see what kind of equipment he was carrying-

*No sooner does Varr put his hand on the door that it shatters into a million slpintery peices, and sends him flying back towards Gorath and Scorcher. The beast emerges from the doorway with his arms outstreched and flaming*

Luc: When you kill someone, make sure he's dead!!!


ADMIN EDIT: 1 mark for bad languge. It is "heck" not "he**"

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

2/4/2002 8:52:24 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: kidnapped

Gorath: Okay lets do this your way Varr, I dont think I got him all the way down.

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

2/4/2002 9:28:42 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: kidnapped

(OOC: Uhhh... did we get any EXP from that big long thing that Varr typed somewhere up above?)

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
2/5/2002 4:29:45 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
RE: kidnapped

(OOC: Whoops, posted that as Gunner...)

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

2/5/2002 4:31:04 PM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
RE: kidnapped

(((ooc: none))

You shouldn't worry about snakes in the garden. when you've got spiders in your bed.
Kate Foster
2/5/2002 4:42:56 PM

Level: 2
Experience: 280

Total Posts: 103
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: kidnapped

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