The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Sunder Continent - Cortan
Booty Calls

Short Billy Gold and his first mate Mr. Mozart are traveling through dense forest of Cortan in search of the treasure located on this old map he found... in a novelty shop.

Anyway, they have been traversing rough terrain for over two hours now.

Billy: Arr, Mr. Mozart! According to the map, we only have fifteen thousand more paces to go!

He flashes a big pirate grin. Mozart wimpers.

Billy: Ah, quit yer belly-achin'!

Mozart shakes his head to indicate that's not what he's wimpering about. Suddenly, elves. Twenty of them. They appear out of the dense woods unannounced. Billy goes for his cutlass but quickly finds the tip of a broad sword to his throat. The elf with the sword is adorned in elaborate elven battle dress. He speaks gibberish. Short Billy grins wider than ever thought possible and laughs.

Billy: Arr! Mind runnin' that by me one more time, matey?

The elf lets out a barely-audible sigh. He repeats in English.

Elf: Draw your weapon and meet your fate.

Billy cocks an eyebrow, unsure of what that means. He begins to draw the cutlass, but Mozart wimpers.

Elf: ... I mean, if you pull that thing out we will cut you down.

Billy pauses for a moment. He then lets his hands rest at his sides.

Billy: Aye, why didn't ya say so before, laddy?!
Elf: You trespass on holy elven land. What is your business, human?
Billy: Arr, my business is piracy! I'm here lookin' fer treasure! Vast riches! Gold! MOOLAH!
Elf: You'll find nothing of the kind here. Turn back now. Leave Cortan.
Billy: Why won't I find it? Ye got it already?!
Elf: No. There is no treasure. It is surely a hoax.
Billy: Ar-har-har! I wouldn't be so sure, me hardy!
Elf: I am. Leave or face death.

Mozart tugs at Billy's pant leg.

Billy: What is it, Mozart?

Mozart points. Billy looks and sees a vast number of people dressed in pirate attire sporting muskets and cutlasses passing nearby.

Billy: Arr... It looks to be that cursed woman's crew!!

The lead elf looks over. In elvish, he instructs most of his team to intercept the pirates.

Billy: They shall not triumph this day!!

While the elves are distracted, Billy and Mozart run deeper into the woods. The leader has the rest of his people chase Billy.

Laughing in the way only a pirate can, Billy draws his musket and haphazardly fires into the elven crowd chasing him. It doesn't seem to faze anybody.
Short Billy Gold
Captain and Crew of the Frozen Chicken

11/27/2005 10:10:12 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 9
RE: Booty Calls

Straph awakens in a bed of leaves. A prison of fallen trees and broken branches surrounds him, containing him. Above, he sees the platforms of an elven city of Cortan.

He slowly begins to remember what led to this point; the unwise decision of stowing away on a pirate ship to get to Cortan, followed by a fight with said pirate, and subsequently being ambushed by elven defenders. A severe lapse of judgment--seppuku would be a wise decision.

His weapons are gone. Unfortunate, but easily worked around. He looks up, squinting. As he makes a couple two tree hand signals, he mutters "Ivhwxr Aqurxg." Vanishing in a cloud of smoke, he is replaced with a single leaf. At the zenith of one of the awesome trees, he hangs from a thick branch. He swings himself up, around, and onto the branch, surveying the area below. This particular city is empty at this current time, going about their forestly duties. With any luck, his weapons would be nearby.

He thrusts himself from the tree, somehow falling three times terminal velocity. A mere blur, he lands and hurries behind one of the smaller--but still humongous--trees. Like a flash of lightning, he moves swiftly to one of the more important-looking buildings. The inside is guarded. No matter. Using his incredible ninja skills, he sneaks past everybody, completely unseen. At the end of one hallway, there is an important-looking door, marked with an insignia of some sort. Two elves stand to the sides, oblivious to the intruder. Hanging upside down from the ceiling by some unknown method, Straph grabs one's head and pulls him up into the darkness. As the other one becomes alert, Straph falls, bringing the other one to the floor. On the elf's back, Straph wraps his legs around the elf's torso and proceeds with a rear naked choke. The elf is out within seconds.

Proceeding through the door, his weapons are all neatly assorted. No trial and error required, because he's that good.

Rearming himself, he leaves the building the same way he came and vanishes from the city within minutes. Moving silently from tree to tree, he homes in on sound--that of gunfire, shouting, and swordbattle. Entertainment at last. As the source of the racket comes into view, he realizes this is not the place for him.

Straph Anging
Uber-l33t Ninja
11/27/2005 11:07:57 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 17
The Lands of Meeriad - Booty Calls

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